Friday, August 10, 2012

School Supplies

I don't know about you, but I am wondering what the heck happened to summer. It seems like it only lasted a couple of weeks. It went by so fast, and now it's time to get ready for school. And we all know what that means: school supplies.

Buying school supplies sucks!!!!

I love office supplies and new notebooks. I really love shopping except for groceries. And I even like the smell of new school supplies. Weird, I know. But when you have 3 kids in school, buying supplies sucks.

Notice I said buying. Shopping for them is kinda fun, as long as I don't have to bring the kids along. That gets kinda insane. Buying the supplies, as in paying for them, is really hard on the bank account. It's freaking expensive!

I'm talking about notebook and pencils. I'm not including backpacks, lunch boxes, shoes, or uniforms. That's another couple hundred per kid. The sad part is, the kids don't even use half the stuff we buy them for school. I ripped out all the paper in Faith's notebooks from last year and I filled up 3 1-inch notebooks. That is a BIG waste!

I think it would be cheaper if the schools bought the supplies that the teachers asked for in bulk. I'm sure the discount would be huge! The schools buy the supplies, bundle them up for each student, and sell them to the students during registration/open house. This would be great for the teachers because all of the students would have exactly what the teacher needs them to have.

But until then, I am off to spend a fortune on crayons and binders...blah!

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