Monday, August 13, 2012

Positive Campaigning

I am so completely tired of negative campaigning. It reminds me so much of an elementary school playground: "oh don't be friends with Timmy, he has cooties," "did you here what Jenny said? She was making fun of you,"... Sounds just like the current political race.

Plus, I don't know about you, but I do not trust politicians. So why would I trust what they are saying about their political opponent. I get nothing out of all the campaign commericials. It's all he said she said bull crap.

Instead,  I would rather the politicians have commercials that says what their platforms are. I would rather know what Romney believes he is going to do as President. What are his particular thoughts on the nation. I don't care what Romney doesn't like about Obama. Why can't Obama spend his campaign money explaining is next steps as President? I don't care what he thinks he inherited from Bush, I want to know what he is going to do about it.

How does Romney feel about the war? How does he plan to fix the budget? What is his platform? We've seen Obama in action as president and we know his platform, but I would like to know his plans for the future beyond Obamacare. I don't care if Obama is black, white, pink, purple, or green, I am not voting for class president, y'all, so lets grow up.

I think the negative campaigning goes back to the stupid two party system! If there were more than two nominees, negative compaigning would be more difficult. Also with the 2 party system it is hard to find a candidate that suits all I am looking for in a president. Having more than 2 parties allows there to be a bigger variety of platforms and beliefs. The spectrum of Conservative and Liberal would be much broader with more choices in the middle.

Honestly I can't tell where the candidates this year are in the spectrum. They are too busy finger pointing and not telling us who they are. My kids keep asking who I am voting for, at this point I can't answer them. Nobody looks good to me. I guess I'll vote for the one who has less cooties on the playground...

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