Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Free Pineapples and Gardening

Back in April I decided that I wanted to see if I could actually grow pineapple plants from just the tops of pineapples. It worked! Look at them now, they have grown so much:

All I did was cut the green tops off of the pineapple, put it in a bowl with water for a day or two, and then plant it in the ground. The only reason I put them in a bowl of water for a day or two was that gave me time to actually find a place to plant them and then find the time to dig them into the ground. I only soaked the bottom of the top (where the green meets the yellow).

When I found a nice sunny spot for them, I just put the bottom part of the green top straight into the ground. I didn't even bother with special soil, just good ole Tampa sand dirt clay whatever. I didn't fertilize and only watered if it didn't rain in a week or so.    SO COOL!

I love to garden! I love digging in the dirt, planning out where to dig, and growing stuff. It's both relaxing and rewarding for me. I've tried several times to grow fruits and vegetables, but I do not have any luck with that, but I do really well with plants and trees. I did a ton of gardening in the spring. I planted several fruit trees, tropical plants, and flowers.

My garden before I planted
Also, this year I dug a vegetable garden on the side of my house, the only thing I could grow were weeds. The strawberries, cucumbers, and melons grew but never fruited. The carrots and radishes started to grow, but never matured. The rest of the plants just died. 
Cross with his plant

Cross, however, picked out a banana pepper plant to grow in my garden. The only edible vegetable we got this year was banana peppers. Not that we got to eat those, as soon as Cross picked them he washed them and ate them immediately. Banana peppers are his favorite.

Anyway, I miss gardening. I was able to do a bunch this past spring, but now my back is hurting too much. I can't bend, lift, dig, or carry bags of mulch or dirt. It's yet another hobby of mine that I need to replace because of this stupid injury.

Speaking of injury, today I woke up in a little less pain and was able to swim laps comfortably. YEAH!

Today's Workout:

5 minutes freestyle (have to do by time because I lose count)
50 meters free pull
50 meters free kick
5 minutes breaststroke
50 meters breast pull
50 meters breast kick
50 meters backstroke (I really hate backstroke, that's why I only do 50s)
50 meters dolphin kick
and repeat until I got kicked out of my lane for campers.

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