Thursday, December 23, 2010

Being Sick

by Paula

My body does not like cold weather. Every year I get sick as soon as the weather starts to turn cold, and I stay sick until the weather starts to warm up. I HATE it!!!!

Last week I had the flu and as soon as I got over that I have come down with this snotty lung-burning thing. I expect that as soon as I get better from this, I will come down with another disease. This makes working out and training extremely difficult. Most of the time I just want to curl up with a million blankets and not workout again until March...but we all know that I can't do that!

Unless I have a fever or I am throwing up, I try to find a way to get in some kind of workout. The hardest part is getting started with the workout, but I find that as soon as I start I feel better and enjoy the workout.

Usually I adjust the workout around my ailment. For example, last week I was weak from the flu. I was able to do some easy martial-arts training on my own and light cardio, but I was too weak to lift or do hard taekwondo training. The past couple of days my lungs have burned too much to do cardio, but I do as much kicking as I can and lift weights. Taekwondo is extremely difficult when you can't breathe, so I have had to go easy or stop as soon as I needed to breathe.

This morning's workout:
Light forms and fan form
Shoulders and biceps
Cool down with abs

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