Friday, September 21, 2012

Is Religion Evil?

Before you get your panties in a wad, I don't mean this as an insult or an attack on any particular religion. I am not saying that if you are religious that you are evil. I am talking about the big picture. These are just my thoughts, and if you would like to share your thoughts, please do so.

Let me start by saying that I am spiritual, I am not an atheist, but I question churches, temples, mosques...I dislike organized religion. I am not going to get into my particular beliefs this time, though.

In my experience, both personal and educational, I have seen religions of all sorts do a lot of judging and causing a lot of hate. I know, I sound like I am judging here, but I am not trying to. I am just telling you what I have experienced. I don't care what you believe in, as long as you are a moral and nice person.

Back to religion causing hate, I am reminded that many religions have killed or condemned because others had different beliefs. There is the Islamic Jihad (Holy War) and the Christian Crusades. There are the Nazis and the Muslims that have committed hate crimes and started wars against the Jews. Now I know a lot of the Israeli wars has more to do with land than religion, but there is still hate based on what each of them believe.

Christians are great about hating other Christians. It is the reason that I am not fond of organized religion. Historically, Catholics and non-catholics have fought each other. Even today I hear Baptists and other Protestants say that Catholics are not really Christians. This really really bugs me. HELLO! The whole Catholic religion is based on Jesus! DUH!

But it's not all Catholic versus non-Catholic. Many of the colonist who came to America were trying to escape the condemnation of the churches in Europe. Whether they were escaping Catholic churches, tyrannical theocratic kings, or just wanting to start their own churches, they were trying to escape other Christians telling them they were doing it wrong.

I have personally experienced religious prosecution while I was growing up. I went to Methodist churches growing up. While I believed that I worshiped the same God and the same Jesus as the Baptists in my small town, I was often told I was going to hell by the Baptists. I remember being pulled out of my private Baptist school when I came home and told my parents that I learned they were going to hell because they did not go to the Baptist church. Later I lost friends when their parents found out I did not attend a Baptist church. Those friends were no longer allowed to play with me.

But Christian's are not the only religion that fights among itself. The Muslims are always fighting (often in a more deadlier way) about who is worshiping right. Sunni and Shia Muslims originally fought over political rights (who should be able to rule based on the descendants of Muhammed), but the differences eventually turned religious as well.

In a smaller perspective, I look at the United States. It was founded on religious freedom and separation of church and state. Our forefathers saw what churches and theocracies could do to a nation, and they didn't want to repeat it. Yet it seems that some Christians really want to have religion be a part of long as it is their religion. There are Christians who believe gays are wrong to be gay, and so gay marriage should be banned. Okay, fine, believe what you want, but it should NOT be a part of our government. Same goes for abortion, it's a personal thing, not a government thing. Keep church and state separated like it should be. Another favorite is when certain Christians want religion in public schools, yet when other religions want to express their beliefs at school, it is wrong. This is why we need to keep anything government controlled separated from religion.

I personally think that you should have spiritual beliefs, and if that leads you to an organized religion GREAT. I am not saying ALL people who go to church or other places of worship are evil. I am just saying that it seems to me organized religion causes a lot of bad.


  1. Maybe you should get a job for a change. That may help you forget about all of your troubles and pains!

    1. Hmmm, I don't see how this is related, but ok.

      However, my pain pretty much prevents me from getting a job...
