Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Big Government = Big Problems

Republican or Democrat, Big Government is nothing but big problems. By Big Government, I mean that the Federal government has too much power. This is a problem because it means more government spending, which means more taxes. It also means that bureaucrats stick their noses in things making life more difficult.

It seems like with each new president, the government grows and so does its spending. The bigger it gets, the more it reaches into our pockets to support itself. The Big Government takes what we earn to run programs that we may not want and definitely what we do not need. The Government continues to take our rights to spend our own money how we want.

Instead of focusing on protecting citizens from outside threat, instead of protecting citizens' freedoms and rights, the government is taking tax money to limit our rights. Agencies such as the FDA, Welfare Programs, and sending money to foreign aid steals causes taxes to rise. This is how the Government steals our money and uses it for things the Government should not be focused on.

The Government does not need to run the Postal Service. This could be privatized. There are tons of these programs that could be run by private citizens. Tax money should not pay for welfare programs. Instead, non-profit or private agencies can raise money to help people in need. 

Besides spending money like crazy, Big Government wastes time and energy on efforts they do not need to be involved in. Big example is Gay Marriage. People should be able to marry whomever they want as long as it is a consenting relationship between two adults. The Federal Government should be focused on the basic protection of our rights and freedoms, and not focused on if Betty can marry Jennifer.

The agencies that see over medicine and food are my least favorite Big Government agencies at the time. Monsanto...look it it. I'm not going into this monstrous Evil. I will discuss, however, how Big Government uses its agencies to stick its giant nose into my problems, limits my freedoms, and makes my life miserable. 

The Government does not need to be concerned with what types of surgery I want. Peyton Manning left the country to have surgery on his neck, but not all of us have the means to travel abroad and pay cash for surgery. I've heard of at least 3 procedures that could help my back pain. None of them are approved by the FDA, therefore they are not available to me.

I know people who could benefit from the use of Marijuana. It is not the Government's job to babysit us. If somebody wants to take the risk of using medicine or drugs, it should be their right! Sure, enforce driving under the influence. That protects other citizens. Other than that, it shouldn't be a Federal Government concern.

The Bigger the Government the less freedoms we have as citizens. The Federal Government needs to stop growing, and it needs to start shrinking!